Monday, September 7, 2009

Allie's 4th Birthday Party

Uncle Jay Grilling like a mad man. I still have burgers frozen away, but they were very tasty. Thank You! Jay, Nicole and my mom came out to help get ready for the party. They helped with some yard work, helped put the trampoline together and helped me run errands all over town.

Allie opening her presents, which she was in a big rush to do because she wanted to go have a water fight.

Allie's Birthday cake. Allie really likes picnics and she wanted Tinkerbell. The place we go to for her cakes can't do copyrighted stuff, but they did a great job on her cake. It tasted so good and looked very cute. They made the picnic scene, complete with ladybugs and butterflies. I bought a Tinkerbell picnic set to place on the top. Allie really liked her cake and we both enjoyed the leftovers. Jeremy was even impressed by how good the cake was.

Allie blowing out her candles. I can't believe she is already 4! The time goes really fast.

Allie in her kitty cat rain suit. She had a great time playing in this in the rain the day after her party. She also got kitty rain boots. Thanks John and Jonny!

Here she is jumping on her trampoline. She is out there almost every day. She's been learning some new tricks from her daddy. She also likes the fact that she can jump on there and Etnie can't get her, although Etnie does try to jump up there, but just can't reach it.

Daddy's Work Picnic

Bouncing in the inflatable castle. She really loves these things.

Jeremy Playing Tug-Of-War. Charter had one of the radio stations in town announce and play games the whole afternoon. It was good because they were able to keep the kids and the adults involved. It was a lot of fun.

As you can see from this picture, there is a downward slope in favor of Jeremy's team on this round.
Allie playing with some of Jeremy's co-workers kids. The little boy kept throwing the ball in the trees so that the bigger boy would have to go get it.

Building a sand castle under the volleyball net. We also made Allie a hat, she played on the play equipment, she had a snow cone and she got a favor bag.

Mommy's Work Picnic

Bouncing in the inflatable castle with Alex.

Making a cow balloon, which I accidently let fly away. She did get a new one, but didn't forget that her 1st one flew away.
Collin enjoying an ice cream drumstick and making a mess of mommy.

Allie playing a basketball game. Considering she has me as a mother, she played very well. I was amazed at how many baskets she actually made. She was quite proud of herself. She called Alex a loser because she made more baskets than he did. We didn't even know she was paying attention since they really weren't competing. I guess she is a lot like her dad, She Hates to Lose. She doesn't even like to play board games against him anymore because she wants to win and he wins most of the time.

Allie's butterfly tattoo. The kids also got glow sticks this year, which Allie loves. There was lots of entertainment. Some different local bands played and some kids of other workers sang. The food was also very good and so were the ice cream treats.

Hanging out at Hoot Lake

Allie sitting with Emily on the pontoon, eating Redvine licorice. I think she was cold, so she was trying to warm up with Emily.

Allie trying to catch "Seashells," which were actually clams. Heather, Allie and I found quite a few. We kept stepping on them. Some were still alive and some were open and empty.
Here's Allie's loot. She found around 25 clams. One of the shells we found was huge, but we couldn't find the other half. Allie was very proud of all the "seashells" she found.

Allie practicing swimming with mommy. She took swimming lessons a couple of weeks before this, so she was practicing her kicking, scooping, and floating. She is excited to take lessons again.
Allie driving the pontoon. She liked to drive in circles and honk the horn (alot).

Heather and Allie swimming in the middle of the lake. I went to Morgan's musical with Sheri and Paul (which I did not get any pictures because I left my camera for Heather to take pictures of Allie swimming). I knew she wouldn't be brave enough to swim in the middle of the lake with mommy, so Heather and Zak took her out.
Here she is in the noodle chair in the middle of Right Lake. When she found this out, she was very disappointed because she thought she was swimming in Hoot Lake.
We also made it to the fair while we were in Fergus. Allie loves rides, she was able to go on many by herself without waiting. Her favorite ride was the Tilt-O-Whirl. We had a great time with Heather, Zak, and Emily. We enjoyed lots of fair food, rides and games.

An Evening of Softball

Allie & Daddy at Daddy's softball game

Jeremy has been playing softball for a couple of years. He plays on a team with a guy that he went to college with in Minot. Kind of crazy that they ran into each other, but Jeremy has had a lot of fun playing softball.

Summer Fun

So I got Allie a Slip N Slide quite a while ago on sale and it's been in her closet ever since. Well she noticed that it was up there, so we decided to take it out. It was very cute. There is a little Dora pool at the end. I thought that it would be fun, but it didn't end up that way. Allie didn't quite get the concept. She thought that I should do it first and of course daddy was at work so I couldn't make him. I did not do it, since it was set up in our front yard and I didn't think it was appropriate for our neighbors to see that. Anyway, Allie got angry and we didn't end up taking it out the rest of the summer. Maybe next year.

We got a different pool this year, so that it could be deflated when not in use. Allie loves her pool. She kept dumping water into the top of the trees so that it would rain on her. Daddy, Allie and I hung out most of the afternoon by her little pool. She had a great time and got lots of use out of this one.