Sunday, June 19, 2011

Please look at the older post many times. I tried to update everything since the first day of school. I didn't include details, mostly just pictures but I thought everybody might want to see them. We have been very busy and I determined that I need to be better about taking pictures because I'm sure I have missed some things.

A New Doll for a Little Girl

Allie's been saving for an American Girl doll for quite some time now. We spent Saturday at the Mall of America, so Jeremy and I decided to let her get her doll. She picked one that looks similar to her. She has the same color of hair, blue eyes and currently does not have bangs. (she plans on growing hers out at some point) Allie was so excited about her new doll. She had it sleep next to her last night and she has been playing with her all day. She sits next to her while she eats. Allie just informed me that she has named her doll Katie because she has a cousin named Katie (sorry Anna).

Allie's Kindergarten Program


A Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

A Bowling Birthday!!

A Playdate with a Great Friend


A Missing tooth and Halloween

A Visit from Kenlie and a trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Our Christmas at Disney World