Monday, September 1, 2008

This Week

We were very busy this week. Allie, my mom and I went shopping on Sunday. We took my mom to the cities on Monday to catch the train back home. John, Jonny, Allie, my mom and I went out to eat at the Olive Garden. We found this little pond with a fountain outside of the restaurant while we were waiting.

Tuesday I had to go back to work. Thursday I had a surprise waiting for me when I got to my car, I had a flat tire. Of course I have never changed a tire, so I made sure that I had a jack and a spare tire and then proceeded to ask some guys across the street to change my tire for me. They were very nice and I was very thankful. Thursday night we had a work picnic and my friend Jen came to town. She used to work with me, but moved back to Oklahoma last year. We stayed up late and woke up early every day this weekend. We went to the cities this weekend to Ikea and did some shopping and this morning we went out for breakfast. Jen headed back to Oklahoma after breakfast today, it was sad to see her go again, but hopefully we will be able to meet in Kansas City again in a few months.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Kara, you and Allie do get around and it is nice you could spend more time with your Mom after she made the loooonnnggg trip on Amtrack to get here for Allie's party. You have a very nice Aunt and Uncle too!