Monday, September 7, 2009

Hanging out at Hoot Lake

Allie sitting with Emily on the pontoon, eating Redvine licorice. I think she was cold, so she was trying to warm up with Emily.

Allie trying to catch "Seashells," which were actually clams. Heather, Allie and I found quite a few. We kept stepping on them. Some were still alive and some were open and empty.
Here's Allie's loot. She found around 25 clams. One of the shells we found was huge, but we couldn't find the other half. Allie was very proud of all the "seashells" she found.

Allie practicing swimming with mommy. She took swimming lessons a couple of weeks before this, so she was practicing her kicking, scooping, and floating. She is excited to take lessons again.
Allie driving the pontoon. She liked to drive in circles and honk the horn (alot).

Heather and Allie swimming in the middle of the lake. I went to Morgan's musical with Sheri and Paul (which I did not get any pictures because I left my camera for Heather to take pictures of Allie swimming). I knew she wouldn't be brave enough to swim in the middle of the lake with mommy, so Heather and Zak took her out.
Here she is in the noodle chair in the middle of Right Lake. When she found this out, she was very disappointed because she thought she was swimming in Hoot Lake.
We also made it to the fair while we were in Fergus. Allie loves rides, she was able to go on many by herself without waiting. Her favorite ride was the Tilt-O-Whirl. We had a great time with Heather, Zak, and Emily. We enjoyed lots of fair food, rides and games.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

It is always a fun time visiting Fergus! Looks like this time was no exception. What did Allie do with her seashells? Did she keep them? Our boys snuck some snails home from the beach in a pail of water one time and set them out back. After a couple of days, we couldn't figure out where the awful STENCH was coming from! It was gag-inspiring!