Sunday, November 1, 2009

Random Pictures

One of my favorite things to do is have a campfire and of course Allie's favorite thing is jumping on the trampoline, so on this night we combined both. I didn't manage to get any pictures of Jeremy or the fire, but Allie loves jumping on the trampoline, so I did capture that.

Whenever we give Etnie chewies, she looks all over for a good hiding place. She usually cannot find one, so she paces and whines. It's pretty funny. She gets so worked up because she can't find a place to hind her chewy. She has been caught trying to dig a hole in the couch to hide it. Thank goodness I caught her right away.

Allie just hangin out

Etnie lovin her new squeaky spider toy. These are her favorite kind of toys. She has a pink puppy that doesn't squeak anymore, but she has had it since we got her. She sometimes takes her puppy out with her when she goes potty, it's quite funny.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Etnie - what can I say?