Monday, September 1, 2008

Allie's Birthday Party

This is Allie before everyone got to our house. She was very excited for her party.

Here are a few pictures of her opening presents.

I don't think that we will have to buy clothes for the rest of the year, which is great!!

She was very excited about her princess cake, although I don't think she ate the cake. She was more concerned about the edible flowers and hearts. I think she ate almost all of them.

Auntie Morgan was being very nice. She let Allie dump water on her head. By the way, it was not that nice out. The water was very cold. Poor Auntie Morgan.

Allie had a great time riding with her cousin Abby in her Dora Jeep. She can' t quite steer her Jeep herself, so her rides usually consist of me walking beside her holding onto the steering wheel while she pushes the pedal.

Auntie Jonny drawing a castle, princess and horse for Allie with chalk on the sidewalk. Jonny is a great artist and none of the rest of us wanted to draw next to her.

Thanks for coming, Allie had a wonderful Birthday!!


The Fyllings said...

It was a great party! We love our "little princess" and can't wait to see you all again....hopefully soon!

G'ma & Auntie

Pat said...

It was a fun time at the party and good food.

Allie looked so cute in her 'princess' dress.

Great Gram Pat

Auntie said...

Abz had fun at the Little Princess's party! We can't believe she is already 3! What an awesome birthday cake!