Sunday, November 2, 2008


This year we decided to take Allie to Tweite's Pumpkin Patch. Allie was a little shy at first, but then she loosen up and had lots of fun. They had tons of activities for kids. There were slides, tires to climb on, mazes, a puppet show, bikes to ride on, a hay ride, wooden climbers that were shaped like trucks and had slides coming down from them. There was also a concession stand with caramel apples, kettle corn and cotton candy. These are just a few of our pictures. We were there for 3 1/2 hours and we didn't even see everything. Next year we will plan on being there the whole day. I hope you enjoy the pictures!


The Fyllings said...

What a fun place!

Pat said...

Looks like a great place to have started a family tradition!

Great-Gram Pat

Auntie said...

That girl is SO DANG CUTE!!! I just want to pinch her cheeks (both sets!)!