Monday, September 7, 2009

Allie's 4th Birthday Party

Uncle Jay Grilling like a mad man. I still have burgers frozen away, but they were very tasty. Thank You! Jay, Nicole and my mom came out to help get ready for the party. They helped with some yard work, helped put the trampoline together and helped me run errands all over town.

Allie opening her presents, which she was in a big rush to do because she wanted to go have a water fight.

Allie's Birthday cake. Allie really likes picnics and she wanted Tinkerbell. The place we go to for her cakes can't do copyrighted stuff, but they did a great job on her cake. It tasted so good and looked very cute. They made the picnic scene, complete with ladybugs and butterflies. I bought a Tinkerbell picnic set to place on the top. Allie really liked her cake and we both enjoyed the leftovers. Jeremy was even impressed by how good the cake was.

Allie blowing out her candles. I can't believe she is already 4! The time goes really fast.

Allie in her kitty cat rain suit. She had a great time playing in this in the rain the day after her party. She also got kitty rain boots. Thanks John and Jonny!

Here she is jumping on her trampoline. She is out there almost every day. She's been learning some new tricks from her daddy. She also likes the fact that she can jump on there and Etnie can't get her, although Etnie does try to jump up there, but just can't reach it.


The Fyllings said...

It was a very fun birthday party! We love our little 4 year old!!

Auntie said...

What a sweet 4-year-old! And what a HUMONGOUS cake! :-)

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new blog header and your color-coordinating background--looks great!

The Dorwin's said...

Happy Birthday Allie. I think Bradley would love jumping on the trampoline with you!!