Monday, September 7, 2009

Daddy's Work Picnic

Bouncing in the inflatable castle. She really loves these things.

Jeremy Playing Tug-Of-War. Charter had one of the radio stations in town announce and play games the whole afternoon. It was good because they were able to keep the kids and the adults involved. It was a lot of fun.

As you can see from this picture, there is a downward slope in favor of Jeremy's team on this round.
Allie playing with some of Jeremy's co-workers kids. The little boy kept throwing the ball in the trees so that the bigger boy would have to go get it.

Building a sand castle under the volleyball net. We also made Allie a hat, she played on the play equipment, she had a snow cone and she got a favor bag.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Did Jeremy's team win the tug'o war competition???