Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Beautiful Fun Filled Saturday

Allie's new friend Kylie (her mommy works with me). They hit it off right away.

Allie and I had busy day today. We started by going to the free kids movie at the theatre with some of my friends and their kids. We thought it was going to be Robots, but when the movie started we found out it was Madagascar. After the movie we headed to a pizza place for lunch. The kids had a great time. After that Allie, Alex, Julie and I headed to the History Center for horse drawn sleigh rides. The Special Olympics were having a fund raiser, which included sleigh rides, hot cocoa, cookies, a fire and a small skating rink. This was Allie's favorite part of the day. She wanted to ride in the sleighs all day. They were old sleighs that the horses pulled. All of the horses seemed very nice and the rides were quite smooth. After our first ride we enjoyed hot cocoa and cookies by the fire. Then we went on another ride. Allie was upset that her "Sassy" wasn't there.

We rode on this sleigh the second time.

Allie really liked these horses.

Alex, Allie & me

Allie and I enjoying our second ride. Allie was so exhausted that she fell asleep in the car on our way home.


Auntie said...

Wow! That looks like a lot of fun! Wish we lived closer so we could do some of those fun things together! Give Allie a squeeze from us!

Pat said...

Did you and Allie have an opportunity to skate!

Looks as if it was a fun time.

Great-gram Pat

The Fyllings said...

Maybe Grandpa John will have to get a sleigh for Sassy to pull you around with!