Saturday, February 7, 2009


This is what I found one evening when I came upstairs. Allie was sitting in Etnie's dog bed, reading Etnie a story. She was up there for a long time entertaining the dog. Etnie is quite wild still, so she isn't out all of the time. Hopefully she will calm done a little now that we can take her outside to run. Allie loves Etnie very much. She has to give her hugs and kisses all the time.


Auntie said...

Abz and I laughed at this blog post--Allie is so funny!

Pat said...

I'm sure that the dog is much wiser now!

Cute Allie photo op.

Great-gram Pat

The Fyllings said...

I think Bible Stories were a great choice to read to your puppy. You are a good teacher Miss Allie!

Sheila said...

When Emily was your age, she would sit in Dave's cat bed and read to him.....and Davey would be in the bed with her! :)