Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Fun Day of Skating

Allie with Alex and Gus at Cold Stone eating cotton candy ice cream ( a couple of my co-workers' kids). We went to Cold Stone after an hour of ice skating at the Rec Center.

Allie and I ice skating. She got pretty heavy and I ended up with a backache, but we had lots of fun. All of the things to push around for the little kids that didn't know how to skate were taken. It was very busy.

Here Allie is excited to get out there and try ice skating until we got to the edge, then everything changed. She didn't really want to, but Julie (a friend from work who babysits Allie once in awhile) took her out and she was fine. Once she was on the ice then it was ok for her to skate with me.

Allie got some ice skates for Christmas so we a wanted to try them out before they wouldn't fit her any longer. When we were done skating I told her that Daddy could come with us next time and she told me that, "I could stay at home and her and daddy could go skating because I didn't know how to skate." It was pretty funny. She also asked why the other kids already knew how to skate.


Jeremy,Kara, Allie said...

Sorry the pictures are out of order, I tried to move them but I couldn't.

Auntie said...

How cute is little Allie in her skating outfit!?! It looks like you two had fun together--Abby wishes you lived closer so she could take Allie to "open skate" on Friday nights here in Barron at the rink and skate with her...

Pat said...

Fun to see our little Allie and Mommy having a great time....even if Mommy doesn't know how to skate!!

The Fyllings said...

Your daddy's first ice skates had double blades, were black and had a picture of Garfield on them. He was about your age when he got them. We took him to the Lumberdome and he pushed a folding chair around out on the rink. We had a friend of ours (Scott Wager) take him on the ice because we couldn't skate!