Saturday, February 7, 2009

The First Nice Day!!

Etnie attacking Allie in the snow.

Allie posing for the camera. Isn't she cute!!

Etnie had lots of fun chasing after Allie and pulling her to the ground. She had lots of fun playing outside.

Etnie looking innocent, but she really isn't. She found the couple of spots in the fence where the gaps are big enough for her to fit through. We will have to get those taken care of as soon as it is nice enough. Etnie also ran into the fence because she thought she could just run to the front yard from the back. It was quite entertaining.

Allie making a snow angel. This was the 2nd attempt, her first one failed because she was lying on her stomach trying to do it.

Etnie & Allie


Auntie said...

Etnie should come and play with Jack and Sophie! Abby would make snow angels with Allie--but they would have to be careful for the yellow snow in our yard! :-)

Pat said...

Dogs are good friends.....sisters or brothers are even better :).

The Fyllings said...

Grandma was SOOO excited to turn on her computer and find pictures of her favorite little girl.

I have been walking around for days whining about how much I miss my little Sweetie. It just made my day!