Thursday, September 16, 2010

Allie's 1st day of Kindergarten

Allie outside of daycare on the first day of school. She rides on a van from daycare to school and they pick her up after school also. She goes to school every day, but only half days. Her teacher's name is Mrs. Heil. She seems to enjoy school so far. She has been disappointed because they haven't gotten to play on the big playground yet and there is a climber that she wants to try out. Today they had a puppet show and Allie got to be one of the puppets, so she was very excited when she got home so she could tell us all about it. She also likes going to the library and the rain garden, which I think must be a greenhouse with flowers.

Allie outside of her classroom. I can't believe she is already in kindergarten. The time has gone by sooo fast.
In her room next to her cubby. It down poured the first day of school, so we couldn't take any pictures outside.
Enjoying chocolate cookies that mommy made while she was at her first day of school.


Pat said...

Oh Allie --- Didn't I tell you not to grow up!!!!

I'm glad you are enjoying school, it is a fun thing to sure you listen to your teacher and learn everything they talk about.

Love you.

Sheila said...

chocolate cookies after school are the best!!!!