Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer Fun!!

Allie likes the idea of going through the sprinkle, but doesn't really like to go through it continuously. She stands on the edge for a little bit and then she gets out, which of course then she is cold. She does have fun though, so I guess that is what counts.

Hanging out at the park

Jeremy pushing Allie on the swings

Allie loves this jumper thing. I have no idea what it is called, I had never seen one before. There is another spot for someone to stand on the side where the picture is taken from. There are also tires underneath that each side bounces off of. It is pretty neat.


The Fyllings said...

Looks like a fun park! (That sure is a good photo of mom & dad that I am guessing Allie took.)

Pat said...

Summer fun, what's for winter?